The Purple Pelican

The Purple Pelican
3D leaded and plated in nickel

Friday, July 20, 2012

Back at it!

It has been a long time since I last updated this blog -- with a good excuse.  Since returning home from my winter home, I have been madly preparing for an Open House in my studio -- and in a moment of pure insanity -- agreed to open my garden to a Tour.  Needless to say, I am suffering the arthritic consequence of too much weeding and cutting glass.
The actual event was a screaming success!  We hosted at least 350 people.  My children were here to help and my husband was very busy in the outdoor kitchen baking pizzas in the bake oven and serving wine to the guests.  My sister was the official wrapper and money handler.  My children acted as greeters and refreshment servers -- as well as creating a huge number of pizzas for dad to bake.  My granddaughter, Signy (8 years), is a budding entrepreneur and artist herself.  She set up a special stand to display and sell the fused glass night lights that she and her 6 year-old brother created.  They sold all 20 of them -- and even got an invitation from a local gift shop owner to display them in her shop!

Here are some pictures of the set up for the event.

Thank you everyone!