The Purple Pelican

The Purple Pelican
3D leaded and plated in nickel

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sunflowers... add a dimension

I have done many sunflower pieces in the past -- I love sunflowers (almost as much as pelicans!).  I generally make these in a 3-D format using stained glass wrapped in lead came.... and plated with nickel on completion.   My intention now is to add a dimension to these by curving the petals and leaves in my kiln - to make them more realistic.
Step 1 will be to come up with a rough sketch of the design.  It need only be a rough approximation -- to indicate size and location of elements of the piece.  Each piece of glass will be cut freehand - so no pattern will be used.
Here is the rough sketch...

The circle represents the brass ring that I will use as the base for the piece.

Check out new pics in the gallery!

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